Another week here in London and the weather has turned foul. It's cold, wet and freezing. I have come down with a nasty cough and blocked nose. Not sure what could have bought this on, could be the Subway Diet I'm on, would have nothing to do with my lifestyle that's for sure!
Got a text message on Wednesday from Jenny, and Neil. They were in town on a work trip. On the same flight was my old flatmate and friend, Jorge. It was an unexpected surprise to have a visit from friends back home so soon. It was great to see them again, catch up and of course have a few beers. There's something about catching up with close friends away from home that is so special, it really makes you appreciate the time you have together. You will be happy to know that I did make the last Tube home, though I nearly did toss my cookies in the Tube on the way back (oops!)
Friday night was my chance to catch up with my cousin Victoria, as you know from my previous Blog she's affectionately known as Squizzy. We had dinner in Soho, sat and chatted for a couple of hours and caught up on things. It has been difficult to have some quality time alone with Squizzy since I have been here as we have always been on the run (or I have been on the run!). It's funny, Squizzy and I even though we are worlds apart, have had very similar things happen to us in our lives. It was nice to finally spend some time just chewing the fat and getting to know each other that little bit better.
When I floated out of Burger King on a grease fuelled cloud 9 Squizzy was no where to be seen. There was a crowd of people about a block up standing around, and the Police were in attendance. As I started to walk towards the crowd, Squizzy came out of the crowd towards me. While she was waiting she had seen two guys get into a punch up. One fella had the other pinned down and was punching him repeatedly in the head, while the crowd stood around and watched. Squizzy being an officer of the law, even though she wasn't on duty, ran over into the fray and broke them up. She pulled one guy off the other and started to diffuse the situation. The Police in uniform arrived shortly after, but Squizzy had already saved the day. My cousin the hero!!
Come the weekend I thought it would be good to Spend some quality time with my family here in London, not to mention give my liver a well deserved break. Beth and I went for a drive down south to get the boys and take them to go and see 'Fantastic 4' , which by the way is much better than the first movie. We went out for dinner before hand and then went back to Jason and Lizzie's afterwards.
Sunday night after work I went for dinner with Beth, Uncle Vic, Dave, Heather and her Mum who was visitng from South Africa. It ws nice to have a good feed (the food was amazing, much better than Subway) and to catch up with everyone.
It seemed to be the week of unexpected surprises. Yesterday while I was sitting in Soho having a coffee, who should walk by but Wayne. This is my dear friend who I have known for years and who I will be staying with while I am in Barcelona. We are also going to Ibiza together with Susie and Cissi. He had just finished his flight for BA but ws unable to get across to Spain as the flights were full. We caught up quickly for a coffee and made a few plans for August. Will keep you posted on the developments.