Monday, 25 June 2007

The Subway Fresh Diet

It really works!! I have been living on the Chicken Breast Lite Lunch meal option (pictured). It's £2.99, which is dirt cheap (under $10 AUD) and it's quick and easy. And with only 5.2 grams of fat you're laughing. Consume one a day to start with, more if your budget allows it.

After 3 weeks of living on this diet I have successfully lost 3.5 kilos. You also need to be working a waitering job that has you on your feet all day, combined with a maximum of 5 hours sleep a night and you too can lose weight just as easily as I have. But don't worry, you can easily add Carbs to this diet simply by drinking beer (I have chosen this option, regularly too I might add). You can regulate your Carb intake with the number of Pints that you consume in a sitting.

Note.. Don't try what I did last week and get the whole weeks Carb intake in one Sunday afternoon sitting, and miss the last Tube home...or it's the Night Bus for you!! (Read previous Blog)

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